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the people/
#1 Jennifer Ang } Hot Jenn } 28 December
#2 Beverly Mok } Beaver
22 october #3 Irene Choi } Chairman! } 6 November
#4 Choo Le Qin } Lichen
#5 Esther Tay } Geography Rep } 7 July
#6 Foo Jia Xin } Bounce-bounce } 25 October
#7 Isabel Yeo } Isabelly } 11 November
#8 Jasline Ng }
#9 Karen Tan } 17 October
#10 Cheryl Khaw } Science Rep } 9 September
#11 Ko Yi Fan } Fanny } 5 February
#12 Sheryl Lee } 27 May
#13 Lim Sok Min } Sok } 3 October
#14 May Wa Taw (Venice Toh) } Ah Taw
#15 Ng Bao Yi } Abalone
14 July #16 Ong Zi Hui } Sha Mei
#17 Sally Tan } Camel } 2 August
#18 Su Yanyun } Vice-chairman } 8 May #19 Tan Sze Eng } 16 Sep}
#20 Evelyn Tan } Evilqueen } 1 June
#21 Kristal Yang } Krissyprissy } tissue seller } 19 Dec
#22 Yeo Li May } Math Rep
#23 Yunita Ong } English&Literature Rep } 5 June
#24 Zhao Xuecen } NARUTOaddict } 11 aug
#25 Zheng Zhangxin } Chinese Rep } 28 July
#26 Marc Chua } History Rep
#27 Lau Wei Seng } Horny Johnny } 8 January
#28 Lin Kuan }
#29 Loo Tan Yang } Looty
#30 Nicholas Low } Ni-ke-la-shi
#31 Siah Jin Kim }
#32 Tan Chong Jin } Treasurer
#33 Tan Ze Guang } Alien } 7 January
#34 Wei Tong } Gontiew
#35 Birdy Chua Xiao Niao } 29 February
#36 Mr Orangey } Mr O } 29 and a half February

26 October 'O7 : Last Day of School =(



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Friday, August 31, 2007
8:25 PM

Teacher is the noblest occupation in this world.
Without them, there wont be us.
SO, let's salute. Sing praise. *salute*

a beginning of our holiday...
remember to do homework worrs.
remember to do revision.
most importantly....
still must remember to PLAY AND HAVE FUN!


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

7:12 PM

Today was teachers' day, like duh...IT IS OBVIOUS!! Some gave teachers gifts and presents while some just heck care...The celebration was fun especially when the teachers are preforming on stage and mr bercury was very professional... And not forgetting about ACES!!! It was super crap and everything was very different from the ones that we did during our primary school times... IT DOESNT HAVE THE FLUSH FLUSH PUUU *CLAP,CLAP* PART!! Actually i was quite looking for it... And during the ACES, chua la la facial expression was super crap.. he is laughing like some physco maniac... And yes! I almost forgot about this part... Javin from css2 came to cchms, and fanny was abit high&crazy while wei seng was somewat following him for a short time... AND NOT FORGETTING!! OUR holiday starts here with loads of homework to be done... HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY AND HAPPY SEPTEMBER HOLIDAY...


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Thursday, August 30, 2007
3:37 PM

- comprehension.
- newspaper article passage.


- 4 test papers.
- MONDAY math remedial 8-9.45am.

- Check asknlearn portal for it (REFER TO LATEST INSTRUCTIONS)

-sign geography test.

- chapter eight test.
- workbook pg 46-50.

- holiday assignment.
- performance assessment for group 4 and 7.

HOME ECONOMICS.- (mdm mags) research.

- THURSDAY lesson 1-3pm.

- mock streaming exercise.
- sign progress report.
- crammie for endofyears.


So if I left out anything/ there are changes, just edit this list.
Meanwhile, this is all we have.
So there's no excuse for forgetting/ not doing the work, especially english and literature.
Special note: please don't make the lives of representatives difficult.





we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Saturday, August 25, 2007
10:45 PM

Hello world.

Thanks for appreciating that little piece I wrote on the class blog. I'm glad you like it.

Mr Davamoni says...
Your classroom is FILTHY! All of you are enjoying life in this pig sty, huh?
Miss Cheong says...
In first place for the MOST LEARNING CONDUCIVE CLASSROOM is... twobenevolence.
Pig stys are conducive learning environments.
Yes, let's go to a farm.

And yes, Mr Lau Wei Seng, please contact me regarding your nonexistent literature evaluation form.


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Friday, August 24, 2007
5:07 PM

MOST LEARNING CLASS CONDUCIVE AWARD. ok, what the heck you may say. yeah. it came to all of us as a huge surprise, but we still cheered willingly for our class. 2benevolenceohseven's spirit is overwhelming! HAHA

oh and...

dearest uncle ah teck, do get well soon. we will all pray for your well being. don't worry so much, and focus on resting and recuperating.

P.S: life is so short. that is why we should cherish everyone and everything in life. otherwise, we will come to regret it.

don't take anything for granted, that's a lesson worth learning.


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Sunday, August 19, 2007
9:28 PM

因该发现了吧!他们在的时候,根本没下雨。。。但是他们走后,就开始下雨了。。。连天都为我们哭泣呢!就在两个星期里,我们从陌生人到朋友,分享了很多不同的时光。。。 Friends are strangers that we have yet to meet...


好了,哭也哭过了,现在只能盼望2月后再见面。。。他们再过7天就要开学了,所以要好好地跟他们聊天,不然7天后就不行了。因为他们会住在学生署舍里, 那就不能上msn跟我们聊天了。。。

p.s 秦嫂不是嘉欣, 是别人。。。但不知道是谁。。。 =)


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

3:13 PM























-雪岑- 昨天回家的路上,下着暴风雨,心情是超糟糕的。所以写了这篇日志。离我们好遥远的他们,不知道现在怎样了呢?

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Saturday, August 18, 2007
9:57 PM

Getting together is easy, but Parting is difficult.

when you're gone, the pieces of my heart i've been missing you.
i'm okay, i miss you.
i bleed it out digging deeper, just to throw it away.
But it's time for me to go home.
our friendship will climb all mountains, roam the skies and sail the oceans.
Friends are God's way of taking care of us.
do wait for us in chongqing, fellow buddies. we're only a flight memory away.


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

8:34 PM

Big girl don't cry
The smell of your skin lingers on me now
You're probably on your flight back to your hometown
I need some shelter of my own protection baby
Be with myself in center, clarityPeace, Serenity
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightening out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses theirblanket
But I've gotta move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry,Don't cry,Don't cry
The path that I'm walking, I must go alone
I must take the baby steps till I'm full grown,fullgrown
Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending do they
And I for see the dark ahead if I stay
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with youIt's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightening out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses theirblanket
But I've gotta move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Like a little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and Uno cards
I'll be your best friend and you'll be myvalentine
Yes you can hold my hand if you want to'cause I wanna hold yours too
We'll be playmates and lovers and share our secretworlds
But it's time for me to go home
It's getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself in center, clarityPeace, Serenity
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightening out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses theirblanket
But I've gotta get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry,Don't cry,Don't cry

dedicated to all Bn's gals. it's time to be big girl now.

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

1:27 PM

7.10am: The handful of students in the classroom barely fill up a fraction of the empty tables and chairs. There is a geography test coming up the same day but no one can really concentrate on their revision. A few murmurs can be heard occasionally but besides that, the classroom is mostly filled with an uneasy silence that makes those present shift around in their seats, unused to this quietness.
For eight months, it had never been like this. The first classroom on the fourth level of the new block would have been spilling with youngsters in military style uniforms, some with shirts out and shortened skirts, huddled together copying geography homework or simply catching up on their sleep. On fridays, they would be studying for an upcoming test, heads bent over textbooks, practising the strokes of Chinese characters or furiously memorising a page they left out the night before. And always, a certain boisterousness bubbled, with screams and shouts from those playing and constant ribbing of certain individuals.
But none of that existed on 17 August 2007, Friday.

7.20am: The silence was broken. 'They're back already!'We look out of the windows anxiously, leaving the geography books alone with their pages flipping in the breeze. A group of students stand in the middle of the parade square.
We go down to see all of them with wet eyes sobbing their hearts out. Some girls are doubled over from crying too hard while others cling onto their friends, weeping like there was no tomorrow. The boys try hard to mask their sorrows but then their faces crumple, their tears spill out and they begin to wail. Mr Soon comes over, pats them on their backs and tries rather unsuccessfully to cheer them up.
The classroom is cold; and even with full attendance it seems empty, void of a cheerfulness that existed for two weeks. We move around the class with ease-- but only to run to our classmates to cry out loud. We take out our geography books for a last minute lookthrough but our hearts are not with the effects of land pollution. Wails can be heard all around but somehow, it still seems quiet. The slight drizzle outside amplifies our sadness.
our sadness of 17 students on a plane headed back to chongqing.
our sadness of the quiet, spacious again classroom.
our sadness of not having another person sitting next to us, accompanying us through tedious lessons and lectures.
our sadness of seeing friends gone.
our sadness of having lands and seas and mountains separating us.

separating us from being able to share school hours.
separating us from being involved in insider jokes.
separating us from running a cross country.
separating us from having fun on a water ride together.
separating us from touring singapore.
separating us from playing soccer on the chung cheng field.
separating us from watching assemblies and concerts.
separating us from chasing after your bus all the way out of school on our last day.

海内存知已, 天涯若比邻。
不要忘了我们; 我们11月见。

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Friday, August 17, 2007
9:10 PM

today is the day, whereby they really leave us, leave singapore for their homes.. everyone was unwilling, the girls cried so did the guys... when we put in our feelings into it, she came to destroy it but saying that the crying were fake just some fake feelings.. But sorry!! we aint cold-blooded like you, how can you judge us like this? putting that aside, now many of us(without buddy) are fighting for the chance to go chongqing...but the slot are opened to whole school, so we are unlikely to have our chance... However, i wont give up!! I will find a way to go chongqing!! They leave us almost 12h+ but i still cant get them off my head.. This friendship is so special, too special that i am unable to understand why would i cry even i dont have a buddy... What is this feeling that is causing our tears to flow?


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Thursday, August 16, 2007
9:33 PM

They are leaving tmr morning, and some of us are sending them off... Sadness filled us today, we cried for being separated.. Though they stay for only 2 short weeks but the friendship between us has grown tremendously.. Even though some of us did not host any buddy but we still cried as the bond of friendship was created unconsciously...Unwilling to let them leave but still have to accept it... However, we made a PROMISE, to visit them during november.. SO lets all fight for our chances to go chongqing to meet them.. Dry your tears and have a good night rest.. =)


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

8:49 PM

let's dry our tears and look back with joy and not wet eyes.

it's been two happy weeks and yeah, it's sad to see these times slip away.
there was plenty of laughter and tears,
friendships made and deepened.

but though these times are gone,
the memories remain.

但愿人长久 千里共婵娟

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
11:09 PM


saw the exhibitions at the Science Centre. realised that weaver birds are the kind of "birds of a feather flock together".

dear me.

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

8:56 PM



THANK YOU CHONGQING PEOPLE FOR ALL THE FUN AND LAUGHTER (AND TEARS) YOU HAVE BROUGHT FOR US IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS. though at first there were much misunderstandings from both sides which led to many quarrels (and tears), but as we got to know each other better, we got along pretty well.

胡雪,虽然你不是我的伙伴,但你住在我家的那两,三天里,我发现我们之间有好多话聊哦。我们都会看韩剧:D 而且你对日本的漫画和动画片都很有了解。你很可爱,很天真,跟你讲话时可以很自在。谢谢你!

婧媛,我会很想你的!谢谢你在这段时间教了我不少东西。谢谢你教我怎么说重庆话,谢谢你在与我一起过国庆日时陪我一起疯。 谢谢你陪我逛整个购物中心,陪我找我要的苹果项链。这两个星期与你共处,我真得很高兴。记得我到重庆时,要请我吃重庆火锅哦!

陈力畅!你好帅哦。哈哈, 开玩笑地。谢谢你在上课时一直让我欺负你,而且还在电脑室骂你骂个不停,对不起!你回到重庆后我会很想你的,你也要记得我哦!





fanny signing off...

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

3:30 PM

man..haven't been bloggin' for last century.. o.O
call me cute. :D.
that is so random.. ><"
math test has been postponed to next monday.
is that a sad thing?
but it's good news for me.
good luck for geography test this friday!
think we'll all miss the er wai students but..
big girls don't cry..
i admit i'm random..
no link..
go canteen..

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
9:43 PM

DAVA is just behind miss wee!!!
woohoo. yeah. I think that most of the guys are crazy about dava.
he'cool, isn't he?! somehow....HAHAH [say yes]
anyway, MrsL is good at changing topic, or linking topic.
from the class' tardiness to the class' rebellion. COOL HUH.
anyway, yar let's not bear any grudges anymore.
she's retiring soon. LET"S BE GREAT NERDS.

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Monday, August 13, 2007
8:59 PM

oh gosh.

a huge bomb had exploded in the middle of 2benevolence. but it quickly got subdued by the students of a sweet banana nation07.

we just compromised, that's all.

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

6:28 PM

Hello everyone!

I know you're pretty pissed off with Mrs L for the science test thingy today. Like yeah, she didn't go through the worksheet with us and didn't bother to negotiate but...

Seriously lah you gotta admit that besides today when else can we take the test? I mean, people will be away for geography fieldtrip and biotech competition and 欢送会 this week. Like she said the schedule is like, TOTALLY packed. Wow. Seriously. And yeah, we can't let her take our science period again because the lessons are precious. Remember last year when she rushed through a chapter in 3 days or something? It could well happen again.

And I know lah, it's feasible to take the paper home as a worksheet. But think about it: everyone will just end up copying from the notes. Not much meaning in that. And yeah, I know having the test suddenly like this isn't very nice, i gotta agree, but at least we chionged some revision today right.

Yeah, and I guess. and no matter how unpopular she is (refer to blogpoll results) she's a teacher too and we gotta respect her decision. Despite our love-hate relationship you gotta realise she prepared a mock paper for us. Come on lah, I believe she can just slack off and play with her grandchildren and have a good time. Preparing a quiz to help us revise shows that she really wants to help us. LALALA.

So yeah, try to cool off lah even if you're not convinced. Don't 破坏师生感情。Remember that we still have a few more months with her. So grin and bear with it. Heh.

Literature tomorrow. Bring your evaluation forms or you'll be thrown out.

Try not to go around tricking marc about tests again. It could well come true.
so now you know what happened.


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

6:10 PM

so i think i miss the chongqing people


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Saturday, August 11, 2007
11:19 PM

something that cheryl will never forget:


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

4:13 PM

happy birthday to xuecen!!
happy birthday to xuecen!!
happy birthday to xue cen!!!!
happy birthday to xuecen!!!
happy birthday to xuecen!!
happy birthday to xuecen!!
happy birthday to xuecen!!!
happy birthday to xuecen!!!
.............in different fonts......
hahah. from dearest, nicest, kindest laozhang =D

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Friday, August 10, 2007
10:48 AM



ok, seriously, i can't think of anything much to say now. HAHA

2benevolencers07 + chongqing-ers07

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Thursday, August 9, 2007
10:31 PM

-happy advanced birthday to xue cen momo.-

laozhang =D

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
4:01 PM


here's it!


relink! thanks!

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
4:22 PM

Okay dears, so tomorrow's CROSS COUNTRY. So the top 4 guys and gals better go wei wo men zheng guang.

Wear RED and WHITE!

Just realised that we haven' prepared anything for our patriotic display tomorrow.


Anyway. Yeah. so don't forget to drink lots of water tonight and sleep early. Chill out.

And cheer everyone because Mr Davamoni forgot the questions for the comprehension! Woohoo. So yes, we can skip that unless he remembers.

It'll be interesting to see what the teachers wear tomorrow.


All right, we're gonna drive Mrs Low up the wall really soon with 51 kids chattering away simultaneously-cramped rather cosily in our little home. Whee.

With loadsa hearts and kisses,


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Monday, August 6, 2007
6:07 PM

changed my blog:


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

8:41 AM

continued from NEWFLASH DAILY:shameii stung by bee ;)

miss ong sha sha ,how do you feel now?

LALA...still okk,but cannot run

ooh let your special someone suck/lick/kiss it lo

you disgusting ah :( [but can la :D ]


dont ever write that stupid thing *hahahaha`*

so there you go JENN and SHAMEII
shall be continued someday.

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

8:37 AM

this is jenn&shameii

I KENNA STUNG BY A BEE ! stupid bee,but the bee died! WHOOTS ;D now i cant run PFT :(

err hahah im so extra.

hehheh whalao!


the doc laugh in front of me! SHIT HIM~SLAP HIM (: im cute man!

and now you know.shameii the weakling (;

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Sunday, August 5, 2007
2:05 PM

I'm extremely sorry to inform you guys of this so late but due to NATIONAL DAY,

Literature evaluation and reflection forms for the groups last week have to be handed in to your wonderful representative by Tuesday end of class.

I know it's a little late and all but I only just realised the fact that on thursday we'll be at home mugging or ferrying the chongqing kids around our little island or watching National Day telecasts.

So yeah, I seek your forgiveness for your inconvenience and my ineffeciency.

And also your cooperation by handing the stuff in bright and early (doesn't make sense because it's dark when it's early) to me and not dilly-dallying until 5pm or something. Darlings, I know I'm supposed to be responsible for all the literature and english work but sorry, I have my own life to lead too.

Okay then, thanks for reading.


Please don't go around mixing chemicals during Science again.

1) You're causing disruption in class.
Not everyone likes their peaceful practical lesson to be disrupted by wafts of ammonium hydroxide. It's not very polite.

2) You'd be dead meat if someone found out.
Yes, when your teacher has been in school for nearly 30 years, they can tell whadeehell you're up to. And the science department could come after you. Plus the school if anyone gets hurt. Note the next two points:

3) You could kill someone.
Examples are when ty and lk started feeling nauseous after inhaling the little combination of acids/alkalis/whatever. Hello, for all you know, they might have ended up in ICU or something if it were poisonous. And remember that ammonium hydroxide is basically ammonia, the thingy that you use to wash your toilet floor. Yes, the stinky one that makes you feel dizzy.

4) You could maim people for life.
ACIDS ARE CORROSIVE. Remember at the beginning of the year when Miss Munirah showed us that article in which a guy lost his eye due to acid spillage? Accidents happen. To anyone. Even if you want to play with acids you should wear eye protection. Of course, acids don't just attack eyes and besides, you should consider the above three points anyway.

Sorry, I'm not pissed off or anything but seriously, don't mess about with the stuff in the lab again. It's not safe.


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Saturday, August 4, 2007
2:43 PM

oooh people listen up.

changed my url:


we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

12:38 PM



we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Thursday, August 2, 2007
7:12 PM

a BIIIIG happy birthday to SALLY


HAPPY BIRTHDAY SALLY. you are fourteen omg. so old

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007
5:03 PM

y'all 2benevolence-07!

for 5-items tmr worh!
& to all those under MdmTham for home econs,
remember to do THE WORKSHEET,bring your FILE and your TOY!
(on behalf on lichen,your beloved HMEC rep)
p.s TSKTSK what about the noticeboard yan laoshi discussed bout :D

&& an early greeting to sally!

withLOVE,jennie` ADDICT

we have gone studying. SIMPLY NERDS.